
Showing posts from July, 2024

Week 12: Reflection

This week marks the end of the semester, and I find myself with a bittersweet feeling. On one hand, I am happy to be taking a step forward in my academic journey. On the other hand, I feel a sense of sadness as I realize I will miss everything about this semester.   Each course has been impactful, contributing significantly to my growth and learning. The challenges, the late-night study sessions, the engaging discussions, and the fellowship with classmates have all been invaluable experiences. As I look back, I appreciate the knowledge I've gained and the personal connections I've made. I also appreciate all the instructors for being accessible and helpful during the semester.   As I move forward, I will carry these memories and lessons with me, grateful for the opportunities and experiences this semester has provided. While this chapter is closing, I am excited for the new ones that lie ahead, and I look forward to the continued journey of learning and growth.  

Week 12: Social Media and People in Academia

As an active Instagram user, I've seen countless videos showcasing people's lives, including their jobs, fitness routines, and monthly expenses. However, I've never seen a page dedicated to "What people do in academia." There is a noticeable gap in content focusing on what students study, why they choose their courses, their research interests, and career aspirations—a page solely dedicated to academic pursuits. Reflecting on this gap, I sometimes think about starting an Instagram page that focuses on students from all levels: undergraduate, master's, and doctoral. This page will cover their aspirations, academic journeys, and challenges. By sharing these stories, the aim would be to inspire others and raise awareness about the diverse and impactful work happening in academia. Such a platform could serve multiple purposes. It would provide a space for students to share their experiences and achievements, creating a sense of community and support. It cou

Week 12: Embracing Digital Platforms in Education: A Personal Reflection

For a recent Produsage project, I used Facebook to create a “1st-year (Ethics Project)” group. Facebook's user-friendly interface made organizing and sharing content easy, though managing activities across multiple platforms required careful coordination. My experience with SharePoint has been invaluable, significantly enhancing educational engagement and collaboration, particularly across different time zones. While working on the Produsage assignment, I frequently reflected on my previous teaching role and wondered why I hadn't incorporated digital platforms. Given that my students were digital natives, using such tools could have enhanced their engagement. I advocate for higher education institutions to encourage the use of email to develop students' formal writing skills and maintain written records, aligning with global professional standards. I strongly encourage medical institutions in Pakistan to integrate digital platforms into their curricula. These tools allo

Week 11: Supporting Animal Rescue

In the last few months, I have been following two Pakistani-based pages dedicated to animal welfare and rescue:  ACF Animal Rescue ,  ACF Animal Rescue  and  CDRS Benji Project . A huge shoutout to these two NGOs, who are tirelessly rescuing animals and providing them with the loving environments they deserve. I was never aware of the extent of violence animals can face. They can be beaten, poisoned, and abandoned to die. Following these two NGOs on Instagram has opened my eyes to the harsh realities that voiceless creatures endure daily. These organizations are doing incredible work. ACF Animal Rescue focuses on rehabilitating injured and abused animals, offering medical care, and finding them safe homes. They also run awareness campaigns to educate the public about animal rights and the importance of compassionate treatment. The CDRS Benji Project rescues stray and abandoned animals, providing them medical treatment, shelter, and adoption opportunities. Seeing their relent

Week 11: Climate Change and Mango Production in Pakistan

Climate change is an urgent crisis that affects every corner of our planet, yet it often feels like a distant issue. The reality is stark: rising global temperatures, extreme weather events, and shifting ecosystems already impact millions of lives. What’s even more troubling is the disproportionate impact on marginalized communities. Those least responsible for climate change often suffer the most. Indigenous populations, small island nations, and low-income countries bear the brunt of environmental degradation and resource scarcity.   This summer was the hottest I have ever experienced. It was so difficult to cook or even step outside. Though the temperature read 93°F, it felt more like 120°F. This intense heat has deteriorated overall life functioning.  Mangoes are our pride, and climate change has severely affected our beloved Pakistani mangoes,  renowned worldwide for being ripe, sweet, and aromatic. With cold weather lingering until the end of April and sudden rains disrupti

Week 11: Paris Olympics 2024 and Dual Standards

  Last night, I shared a story on Instagram with an image highlighting a troubling inconsistency: Russia is banned from the Olympics for its war in Ukraine, yet Israel is allowed to participate despite its actions against Palestinians, which many consider to be genocide. The disparity is heart-wrenching. The world seems indifferent to the mass genocide of Palestinians, who have lost over 300 athletes in this conflict. This isn't even called a war since Palestinians are unarmed, yet we remain silent. Why don’t we recognize their humanity before labeling them by their religion or other traits? Why do we only speak out when an issue directly affects us? This dual standard is glaring. While Russia faces sanctions and exclusion, Israel's actions go unchecked, and Palestinians continue to suffer. It's crucial to reflect on these injustices and advocate for consistent, fair treatment for all, regardless of their background. Only then can we hope for a truly inclusive and just glob

Week 9: My Experience with WhatsApp

Over the past decade, WhatsApp has become essential to my daily routine, demonstrating its profound importance in numerous aspects of my life. While it thrives in places like Pakistan, its adoption in the United States remains limited. Challenges such as bans in regions like the United Arab Emirates highlight the diversity in its global reception. WhatsApp simplifies various aspects of my life, whether sharing screenshots, photos, voice notes, texts, or making calls. Its versatility has genuinely enhanced my efficiency and connectivity with others. During my last semester, WhatsApp was crucial when we formed a study group. This group became instrumental in discussing course-related challenges and sharing study materials effectively. It facilitated quick exchanges and collaborative problem-solving, significantly enriching our learning experience. However, WhatsApp isn't without its drawbacks. The abundance of groups and frequent messages often result in overwhelming notifications. T

Weep 9: Article Summary " Building Library Community Through Social Media"

This paper details how an academic library leveraged Twitter to foster community. While existing literature predominantly addresses social media's marketing role, this research emphasizes its capacity for community-building. The university library formed a social media group and implemented a guide to cultivate a purposeful, engaging, and interactive online presence. Quantitative analysis revealed a significant rise in Twitter followers and interactions, highlighting social media's potential to strengthen the library's ties with academic communities. This study is pivotal for understanding social media's impact on academic libraries, particularly fostering user communities. Emphasizing strategy, personality, and interaction, the research provides practical guidance for libraries aiming to enhance their social media presence. Its detailed methodology and robust quantitative data make it an indispensable resource for libraries transitioning from traditional marketing

Week 9: Black Identity Development: Reflecting on Cross's Nigrescence Framework

This week, while writing a critical essay on Black identity development, I reflected on my experiences as a Brown female. I delved into Cross’s Nigrescence framework to understand the processes behind Black identity development, and through this exploration, I gained valuable insights. Cross's framework describes the five stages of Nigrescence, the process of becoming Black: Pre-Encounter, Encounter, Immersion-Emersion, Internalization, and Internalization-Commitment. These stages outline the psychological and social changes that Black individuals experience. The Five Stages of Nigrescence 1. Pre-Encounter: In this stage, Black individuals often internalize societal stereotypes and adopt assimilationist attitudes, believing that fitting into White norms is essential for success. This internalization can lead to feelings of self-hatred and a low sense of racial salience. Such Black students might see their lack of academic success as a personal failing rather than a consequ