Week 11: Climate Change and Mango Production in Pakistan

Climate change is an urgent crisis that affects every corner of our planet, yet it often feels like a distant issue. The reality is stark: rising global temperatures, extreme weather events, and shifting ecosystems already impact millions of lives. What’s even more troubling is the disproportionate impact on marginalized communities. Those least responsible for climate change often suffer the most. Indigenous populations, small island nations, and low-income countries bear the brunt of environmental degradation and resource scarcity.


This summer was the hottest I have ever experienced. It was so difficult to cook or even step outside. Though the temperature read 93°F, it felt more like 120°F. This intense heat has deteriorated overall life functioning. 

Mangoes are our pride, and climate change has severely affected our beloved Pakistani mangoes,  renowned worldwide for being ripe, sweet, and aromatic. With cold weather lingering until the end of April and sudden rains disrupting the growing season, mangoes no longer ripen as they used to. This change has impacted our economy and farmers' livelihoods dependent on the mango business.


Our planet’s health is our responsibility. By recognizing the urgency of climate change and advocating for meaningful action, we can work towards a more resilient and equitable world. Let’s not wait until it’s too late.


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